It's always comforting to know someone's looking out for our best interests. Now, you can count on
Ali Fatourechi and Shaun Hurley - the founders of Genetic Denim - to do just that, with their
highly individualized approach to designing jeans. Appropriately named, this company understands that
our denim needs vary almost as much as our genetic makeups, and shows off our personal best.
Genetic Denim Bio: Genetic Denim Genetic Denim understands that jeans are as important to our wardrobe as genes are to our makeup. We can't choose our genes but we can choose our jeans, and thanks to founders Scott Sartiano, Ali Fatourechi, and Shaun Hurley, the denim choice is looking a lot sweeter. The trio believes that the most crucial part of jeans is the top 3 inches, and rather than covering up flaws with trick techniques such as whiskering, Genetic Denim concentrates on fit. Because when it comes to style, it's all in your genes.
Buy now : geneticdenim.com